News to share on our key projects. Our volunteers have put in a lot of time over the winter months, including upgrading yard track that will connect to the workshop, rust repairs for the cab of Ohai Railway Board No.1, repairs and repainting two of our fleet of ballast wagons, Gumdigger carriage frame repairs plus some essential rail vehicle shed work.

Tr189 with a passenger service stops short of the rail vehicle shed, 9 June 2019.

During the past couple of months we have upgraded road 4, with a view to operating passenger trains to and from the workshop. We also plan to connect this track into the workshop.

Clive checking one half of the gumdigger carriage A255 for square, one of many checks made after bringing the two halves together.

Detailed measurements are being taken of each carriage body half. Next steps involve presenting new top and bottom plates to the carriage sides, marking out the positions of studs and checking against the drawings.
All going well the new plates will be fitted in the next couple on months.

Colin pointing out areas of the ORB No.1 shunt locomotive cab that need repairs

Patch ready for welding on driver's side of the cab, ORB No.1 shunt locomotive. About a dozen patch repairs are needed on the cab before we can start refitting the long hood frame.

Ray and Ron working on ballast guards of ballast wagon Yc878 on 22 June 2019. The wagon has since been out-shopped.

Ron Jones working on Yc760 on 13 July 2019. This is the latest of our fleet of ballast wagons to enter the "paint shop" for repairs and painting.