We have been busy through May and June extending our "turntable road" track that runs alongside the rail vehicle shed, parallel to the Waiararapa line. Many thanks to the Rail Heritage Trust of NZ for a grant received in late 2019, funding the rail purchase. A substantial length of 91lb rail was purchased from KiwiRail in March, just before the level-3 lockdown.
Once the turntable road is finished we will connect road four to the workshop. This will also extend the length of track available for our operating day services.

Rails were laid out ready to extend the turntable road in March, work suspended due to the level-4 lockdown.

Work resumed after the lockdown, the track laid towards the rail vehicle shed, passing through a 7.5 degree curve. The rails were curved to 150 m radius with a hydraulic "crow" as seen in the photo above.

String-lining the curvature set into the rails.

80 mm offset at centre of the chord, which confirmed that the correct radius had been set into the rail.

Track extending past the rail vehicle shed by early May, with the curved rails in place. Additional sleepers needed, as well as preparing rails joints and ballasting.

Rail delivered to the end of the siding by work train on 16 May.

Track work passing the mid-point of the shed, rails laid out parallel to the Wairarapa line, seen to the right.

Looking back along the turntable road on 30 May.