Cabs for both Baldwin steam locomotives Wb 292 and 299 are being assembled concurrently in our Maymorn workshop.
Two sets of parts are being made where it makes sense to do so, particularly where custom rolling or forming is involved. Its also proving reasonably quick to repeat the fabrication of a part, or an assembly step for Wb 292 along the way.
Work is planned through summer 2020-2021 includes:
- fitting roof and bunker to Wb 292
- fitting gutters and window beading to both cabs
- fabricating the first of four water tanks.
Rolled angles were fitted to the rear cab sheet of Wb 299 on 9 September 2020. A set of four angles were rolled to the required radius by SteelCraft Engineering of Auckland.
Roof sheet fitted to Wb 299 on 13 September 2020.
Wb 292 cab assembly coming together on 11 October 2020, with front, cab and bunker side sheets fitted up.
Assembling the bunker for Wb 292 on 28 November 2020, the back sheet being mated to the two sides with 50x6 angles.
Finishing items for the cab roof on Wb 299 - gutters were fitted front and back to direct rainfall to the trailing corners of the roof. 25x3 steel angle was rolled to the required radius. Side gutters will also be fitted in due course.
On 19 December 2020 the cab back and bunker front sheets were fitted to Wb 292, along with the supporting angles either side of the coal hatch.