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Upper Hutt Summer Carnival 2017

Cab of steam loco Wb 299 formed centre piece of display

Steam locomotive Wb 299 cab and interactive display was the centre-piece of our display at the 2017 Upper Hutt Summer Carnival. We rigged up a petrol-power air compressor to a pea-shooter whistle, which carnival goers were invited to try. The Pyle-National headlight and gauge lights could be worked as well, with light cast onto a steam pressure gauge and the original Baldwin Locomotive Works maker's plate that was fitted to Wb 292.

Cab and display set up early in the day

Cab and display set up early in the day

Interactive display with steam whistle, gauges, boiler and makers plates

Interactive display with steam whistle, gauges, boiler and makers plates

Side view of display later in the day

Side view of display later in the day

Wb 299 cab back in workshop

Cab and display returning to Maymorn after the carnival, looking locomotive-like as deck cargo.